Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Weird, Weird California

Minnesota has again proved that it is one of the most weird states in the Union.  But it has not yet reached the level of California.

I mean, really, Jerry Brown?  Hey, Californians, wasn't he an ineffective governor way back when?  Isn't this rather like watching a movie over and over hoping the ending will get better?

And judging by his victory speech, he's not getting better with age. He now also has either lost his marbles or has drug-fried his brain.  Either way, he's more than odd, he's freaky. Weird, weird, weird.

California is going down the drain financially, and Californians hire Jerry Brown to lead them in that direction?  They had another choice - Meg Whitman, a proven effective business woman.  It's just possible she could have led them up and out of the mess they are in. 

And they choose MerryJerry?

But California is weird, it's a gimme state that will be lining up at the federal pig trough for a bail out - because with the people they elected, it will be their only means of survival.  They seem to think it will be that easy.

But they may not find it that easy.  The new Congress may not be inclined to toss money at every problem as the old Congress has been doing.  The new people seem very hot to change that method of doing business.

OofDah!  Maybe California will have to make a real effort on their own to cut spending and balance their budget.  Some may have to give up the dole, go to work, and support themselves.

At least, they didn't legalize the dooby that apparently is anesthetizing their brains.

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