The economic policies of the present administration have been referred to as Keynesian Economics. I know too little about Keynes and about economics to sort out details to determine if the current policies are totally in line with Keynes' theories.
However, Keynes was in favor of big government spending, and that seems in line with what has been practiced by BO and buddies. They say this policy will improve our economy.
"But," we ask, "What about the payback? What about the debt our children and grandchildren will inherit?"
Seems there were similar concerns in Keynes time. Reportedly, he was asked about the effects of the policy in the long run, to which he replied, "None of us lives forever."
A pretty flippant reply. Not as bad as, "Who cares about our children and grandchildren as long as we have what we want?" But same meaning, same very selfish and uncaring attitude.
Certainly today we're spending our children's and grandchildren's future, but our economy is not thriving. All that debt for our grandchildren and nothing to show for it.
Well, BO and buddies, got any Keyesian cracks for this situation?