Monday, April 19, 2010

No New Taxes

No new taxes for the middle class? Uh huh.

First the forces-that-be try to foment divisiveness between the rich and the poor, the corporations and individuals, banks and customers, and it certainly seems they've been trying to revive the race thing, as well. Why?

You think one reason may be the tax thing?

It sounds very much like the gummint will begin innovative taxes. But this won't affect the less affluent, just the rich; that won't affect the individual, just the corporations . . .

Well, you get the idea. If it affects the group you've been led to dislike, distrust, or downright hate, you won't object to the tax.

Of course, we are not as stupid as the gummint seems to think.

We can see that taxes on the people with enough money to provide jobs reduces the number of jobs available. We can see that taxes on corporations also lead to reduction of jobs.

And the VAT tax? We know, if the manufacturers of products want to stay in business, the tax at each step of production needs to be passed down the line to the ultimate consumer - us! Of course, it will not necessarily look like tax, but will look like the item is simply more expensive.

But we'll know better. As I said, we're not as stupid as the gummint thinks we are, and contrary to their inflated opinion of themselves, they aren't as brilliant as they think.

Yep, we'll be paying more taxes - a lot more taxes.

Fortunately, gummint lies to us on such a regular basis that this is not a big surprise.

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