Monday, November 1, 2010

Take his job! I demand it!

The Lisa Murkowski campaign is acting an awful lot like a group that supports the government arm reaching into lives of individuals.  She got a fellow fired from his radio job.  She claims to be a Republican, a conservative.  Hmmm.

The radio person had encouraged people to become write-in candidates to obfuscate Lisa's write-in campaign. She had to go with a write-in because she was rejected by the voters in the primaries and was late in deciding to run anyway.  A poor loser. 

I'm not sure of the legalities, but encouraging write-in candidates was certainly not as manipulative as outright lies against opponents.  And outright lies are disseminated every day by so-called news outlets. And no one takes away the jobs of the liars. 

So what have we here?  I know I wouldn't vote for Lisa simply because a poor loser who demands taking a job from an opponent is not my kind of candidate.  I don't want someone like that governing me, thank you.

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