Friday, November 19, 2010

TSA, Groping Toward Sexual Assault

TSA policies are making news lately.  On one side of the issue are those who want to feel safe whatever the cost to personal privacy; on the other are those who believe the government's hand deep in our pocket is enough and are saying no to putting their hands in our underwear.

I know I won't fly if I have to endure sexual abuse to be allowed on the plane.  And, yes, it does meet the criteria for sexual abuse.  Persons in authority without permission touching not just your person but your private areas and the victims feeling forced to submit to this behavior.  If it wasn't the government performing this disgraceful groping, it would be a prosecutable offense.

One thing I find interesting is that the Big Napo Capo "is considering" the objections of the Muslims (but not the objections of regular US citizens).  Amazing that the very people who should be watched more carefully get consideration.  When did the US citizen become the enemy in the US?  What the heck is wrong with the people running this show?

Another interesting detail is that they want to grope the pilots, as well.  What the heck?  If the pilots want to commit mayhem, they are steering a mega-ton weapon charged with aviation fuel.  Why would they carry any other?

And I also found interesting the photo of a TSA guy groping a male passenger (the one that has been aired often in the past two or three days) - does it seem to you that the groper is just enjoying it too much - looks like a smile on his face to me.  If I were that victim, I'd be likely to kick him in the teeth.

And the "enhanced" TSA techniques are't failsafe.  They do not detect whatever may be carried in body cavities -- so penetration is next.  Won't that be jolly?  A finger digging around and then you must sit on that sore area for your flight.  I can hear it now, "Well, if I feel safer and they use clean gloves, a little soreness is worth it."  Will they use KY jelly to "enhance" the experience?

I remember when the government in the role of Big Brother watching us was considered an imposition.  Now the government is playing the role of Great Fornicator - and although they've been doing that to us for a while, they are now "enhancing" it with actual touching - and actual penetration looms in the near future.

Meanwhile, the Big Napo Capo makes no effort to curtail the "penetration" of our southern border.  She still seems to feel a terrorist attack coming across that border is much preferable to an attack flying in over any border.  If she dies from a bomb that was carried through Mexico, will she be less dead than if she dies from a bomb flown in to the US?

Truly, it's not about security, it's all about submission to the government.  Where do you draw the line?

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