Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Franken, fraud, felons

The following is written by a follower of this blog. Thank you to the author, Gary Udstrand http://www.twigsandtracks.com/ . (Gary's blog is not political commentary; it is a photography blog.)

This theft of votes is being reported both online and on air by FOX. I'm not sure if the US Pravda media is reporting it.

Well, it is official. Franken and his gang of felons stole the election, best part? The State and Federal authorities has so far stonewalled any attempts to get them to act on the findings. I heard an interview on a local radio station between Chris Baker and J. Christian Adams (the Dept. of Justice attorney who quit so he could testify about the Black Panther voter intimidation case).

In the interview he talked about the fact that Minnesota's elections were determined by illegal votes and fraud and that the Justice department knew that and had irrefutable evidence to the fact. I don't care if you are Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, a Constiutionalist... whatever. Without voting integrity we are no different than the third world countries that we see on the nightly news.

This administration and its cohorts are the MOST CORRUPT administration to ever occupy the White House. I used to believe that it was sheer incompetence. No longer, I think it is clear that they are out to destroy our system of government. The elections can not come soon enough.

It seems this administration is anti-America. I've suggested before that the incompetence cannot be simply that - they just cannot be this incompetent without trying. But overlooking election cheating is the end of the most basic Amercan right -upon which all other rights are based.

Without the right of fair elections NO MATTER WHO WINS THE CHALLENGED ELECTION, NO MATTER WHICH PARTY'S MAJORITY IS AFFECTED all of our rights are lost.

By the way, is anyone surprised that seemingly all the felons voted for Franken?


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