Sunday, October 31, 2010

Vote on Tuesday

Are you voting on Tuesday? 

Have you truly considered your vote or are you supporting the same party you always have - even the same party your parents always did?  Or are you voting for the party your teachers and professors told you to support?  Or the party that you researched fifteen years ago and deemed good.

Your party has changed.  How do I know?  Because both parties have evolved over the years.  Your parents' party is no longer your parents' party.  Find out who is running it and what they stand for.

This is America.  Every voter is responsible for considering the pros and cons of each candidate.  Voting for a party is no longer acceptable.

My brother summed it up a while back.  He said, "I did not leave the party; they left me."

Be sure you know who and what you are voting for.  Make sure the policies the candidate supports are the policies you want to support. 

Our country is about to collapse under the weight of our debts and our policies.  Vote for the people you think will work for our survival.   All else is relatively unimportant. 

OofDah!  Make the right choices for our country.   My grandchildren are depending on you. 

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